Create Guide Choose a single or multiple jurisdictions. Jurisdiction Canada (Federal Law) USA (Federal Law) Argentina Barbados Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Peru Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Portugal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Israel United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Azerbaijan Ghana Morocco South Africa Australia Cambodia China India Indonesia Korea, Republic of Laos Myanmar Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Select all Lex Mundi Merger Notification (select all) Is there a regulatory regime applicable to mergers and similar transactions? Identify the applicable national regulatory agency/agencies. Is there a supranational regulatory agency (e.g., the European Commission) that has, or may have exclusive competence? If so, indicate. Are there merger filing requirements? If so, where are they set out? What kinds of transactions are "caught" by the national rules? (Identify any notable exceptions.) Is notification required for minority investments? Are foreign-to-foreign transactions captured by the merger control regime, and is there a local effects test? What are the relevant thresholds for notification? Is the filing voluntary or mandatory? Provide the time in which a filing must be made. Is there an automatic waiting period? If so, please specify. What are the form and content of the initial filing? Are filing fees required? Please provide an overview of the merger review process. Are there time limits within which the regulatory agency must act? Can they be shortened by the parties or be extended by the regulatory agency? What is the substantive test for clearance? What decisions can the agency make in relation to a notified merger (e.g. approval, approval with conditions or prohibition)? Can parties proactively offer commitments to the agency to remedy identified competition concerns? Describe the sanctions for not filing or filing an incorrect/incomplete notification. Describe the penalties applicable to the implementation of a merger before clearance or of a prohibited merger. Can the agency review and/or challenge mergers that are not notifiable? Describe the procedures if the agency wants to challenge an unnotified transaction. Describe, briefly, your assessment of the regulatory agency's current attitudes/activities, including enforcement trends and recent developments. Other important/notable information: Step back Show all jurisdictions Select all Canada Select all Canada (Federal Law) United States Select all USA (Federal Law) Latin America/Caribbean Select all Argentina Barbados Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Peru Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Europe Select all Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Portugal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Middle East Select all Israel United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Azerbaijan Africa Select all Ghana Morocco South Africa Asia Pacific Select all Australia Cambodia China India Indonesia Korea, Republic of Laos Myanmar Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Loading guides... Create Guide Choose a jurisdiction. Select a jurisdiction Canada (Federal Law) USA (Federal Law) Argentina Barbados Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Peru Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Portugal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Israel United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Azerbaijan Ghana Morocco South Africa Australia Cambodia China India Indonesia Korea, Republic of Laos Myanmar Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Next