Our Global Practice Guides offer essential practice and industry information that legal and business professionals require as they embark on creating effective global strategies.
Prepared by our member firms around the world, our free bespoke guides provide substantive overviews of laws, practice areas, legal topics and business issues in more than 100 countries. Pick a practice area and create tailored reports comparing local policies and regulations across chosen jurisdictions.
The AI Legislative Guide emerges is an essential tool for staying abreast of specific legislation, final regulations or other formal regulatory guidance addressing the use of AI in jurisdictions across the globe by identifying these as well as the agencies tasked with regulating these laws. The guide does not attempt to address existing laws that might impact the use of AI; rather, the intention is to identify, track and monitor new AI-specific legislation on the horizon.
With contributions covering more than 130 jurisdictions from all regions of the world, this guide offers a global perspective on new AI legislation. By doing so, it enables a comparative analysis of legislative approaches, regulatory authorities, and governance structures across jurisdictions.
Global businesses need to stay on top of anti-corruption compliance across every jurisdiction they operate in. That operational footprint can extend to countries all along a supply chain, or every market a product is sold in.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing local anti-corruption and anti-bribery legislation in any of 70+ jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide brings together specific local experience in anti-corruption matters from the Lex Mundi Cross-border Investments Practice Group.
Arbitral institutions in different global jurisdictions have their own structures, procedures and regulations. Processes around arbitral awards, registration fees, average costs and duration of proceedings all vary.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing key international arbitration institutions and local institutions in any of 45+ jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from Irene Welser of Cerha Hempel, Lex Mundi member firm for Austria.
Attorney-Client Privilege (ACP) varies significantly between civil law and common law as well as between different global jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, ACP is protected by professional ethics rules instead.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing what constitutes ACP in any of 65+ common and civil law jurisdictions worldwide. There is no other guide on the market that allows side-by-side comparison.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from Jenner & Block LLP, Lex Mundi member firm for Illinois, USA.
The climate crisis is rightly at the top of every company’s agenda. Corporate counsels, both in-house and outside, must stay abreast of rapidly-changing legislation, regulation and policies in every jurisdiction where their clients operate.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing climate change policies and regulations in any of 30+ jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide was created by the Lex Mundi Energy & Natural Resources Industry Group with specialist input from Houthoff, Lex Mundi member firm for the Netherlands.
Data protection provision for individuals and businesses changes enormously around the world. With data travelling freely between countries and jurisdictions, regulation around it is complex and changes quickly.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing data privacy concepts and issues in your chosen jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from the Lex Mundi Cyber-breach Rapid Reaction Force.
The essence of the guide is to aid in navigating the complexities of the Latin America and Caribbean business landscape, informing effective business strategies, ensuring compliance, understanding the nuances of different jurisdictions, and making informed decisions when dealing with local policies and regulations.
Global companies and corporate counsels need to understand employment laws in every jurisdiction they operate in. Anti-discrimination regulations, employee rights, pension requirements, whistleblower protection, and more.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing major areas of employment law in your chosen jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from the Lex Mundi Labor and Employment and Employee Benefits and Pensions Practice Group.
This guide covers a wide array of vital topics, such as Governance, Disclosure, Environmental and Social Responsibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Prevention of Modern Slavery, Energy Transition, Circular Economy, and more. The guide also delves into areas such as protection of vulnerable or minority communities, climate change prevention, green financing, and specific reporting standards.
The Lex Mundi ESG Latin America & the Caribbean Guide illustrates the interplay between corporate purpose, stakeholder well-being, non-discrimination, sustainable production, and consumption. In addition, it guides companies towards the successful integration of ESG criteria in their existing legal frameworks.
Lex Mundi and the Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution group have published its first round of the EU Representative Actions Directive Guide. The Representative Actions Directive (EU) 2020/1828 aims to ensure that consumers are able to protect their collective interests in the EU via representative actions, the legal actions brought by representative entities (so-called qualified entities). It provides that all EU countries have in place a mechanism of representative actions. The Directive improves consumers’ access to justice while it also foresees appropriate safeguards to avoid abusive litigation. This guide will be continually updated as additional EU countries implement the Directive.
It is common for cross-border acquisitions and investments to trigger foreign investment screening requirements. In many jurisdictions these screening regimes are newly introduced or revised.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing foreign investment restrictions in any of 55+ jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide was created by the Lex Mundi International Trade Practice Group and includes anticipated future changes.
Cross-border litigation matters can involve gathering discovery from multiple jurisdictions. This requires judicial assistance between countries and potentially reference to the Hague Evidence Convention and European Union regulations.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing evidence gathering methods and permissions in any of 60+ jurisdictions worldwide.
The Lex Mundi Global M&A Trends Report is designed to give you a concise overview of the insights and predictions of M&A practitioners across more than 30 jurisdictions in the Lex Mundi network, including their key areas of concern, 2023 deal activity by market segment and sector, and a look forward on expected deal activity in 2024.
This report was produced with contributions from participants in Lex Mundi’s Cross-Border Transactions (CBT) Group. The CBT Group provides access to the experienced, top-tier legal advice clients require to expand their operations and investments into global markets. Through our member firms’ global reach, and their indigenous know-how and the relationships that they have fostered with regulators and other key stakeholders in their respective jurisdictions, the CBT Group is uniquely positioned to counsel clients on successfully executing complex cross-border transactions and multijurisdictional projects.
The growth of sustainable investments has led to an increased focus on greenwashing risks and supervision of sustainable finance policies.
The June 2023 publication of the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) Progress Reports resulted in the first common high-level understanding of greenwashing in the financial sector.
This guide brings together expertise on the subject from 26 Lex Mundi EU member firms from the Bank, Finance and Regulation Practice Group, who contributed to the EBA Progress Report on Greenwashing Monitoring and Supervision.
Use this free tool to create a bespoke report comparing the legal aspects of greenwashing in each of these 26 EU Member States, specifically:
- Whether a jurisdiction has an explicit legal framework to identify, address and sanction greenwashing
- If the relevant legal framework is based on EU or national legislation
- Whether the current legal framework provides a definition of greenwashing
The Lex Mundi Latin American Consumer Guide 2024 is a valuable resource designed for top-tier general counsel working in leading global companies.
This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the Latin American consumer market in 2024, focusing on key areas like market trends, regulatory compliance, consumer protection, intellectual property, data privacy, market entry, dispute resolution, and practical case studies.
It equips legal professionals with crucial insights and strategies to navigate the region's complex legal landscape, ensuring they can effectively safeguard their multinational clients' interests in this dynamic market.
Every global jurisdiction has its own distinct merger notification procedures. Different regulatory regimes and agencies have different initial and post-filing requirements and different sanctions and penalties can arise.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing information and requirements in your chosen jurisdictions worldwide.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from the Lex Mundi Antitrust and Competition Working Group.
The NIS2 Directive, which builds on the previous directive, NIS1, aims to improve the resilience of critical infrastructure and enhance cooperation between member states on cybersecurity matters. The implementation status, however, varies from one member state to another, with some countries having already enacted the directive into domestic law, while others are in the process of doing so.
This comparative guide sheds light on the status of Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) implementation across EU member states – a key regulatory development that aims to ensure high common levels of network and information security across the Union.
How does your jurisdiction compare as competition authorities move to proactively recognize ESG considerations in its guidelines?
Lex Mundi's Global Sustainability and Competition Guide is the first of its kind resource that allows in-house and outside counsel to understand ESG priorities and initiatives around competition regimes.
Use this free tool to create your own bespoke report comparing relevant information on competition regimes in any of the 45+ jurisdictions worldwide included in the report.
This guide brings together expertise from Lex Mundi member firms around the world with specialist input from the Lex Mundi Antitrust & Competition Working Group.
The global practice guides listed above are for informational purposes only. The information contained therein is general and is not intended to be legal advice. They should not be relied upon or used without consulting a lawyer to consider your specific circumstances, possible changes to applicable laws, rules and regulations and other legal issues.
Lex Mundi is not a law firm, is not engaged in the practice of law and does not act as an agent of any law firm.